And it's a pentad, Jordan. A pentad. 1 because it's thematic. You know? Pentad -> Pentagram. Pentagram -> Evil.
Hym "And what is the 5th triat of the dark pentad? By now you ought to know what I'm going to say. The trait from which all dark traits are derived SOLIPSISM!!! You are LESS REAL to whatever extent. Why pathological parasitism? Because your existence is LESS NECESSARY and if I have to take from you to sustain myself then I am justified in doing so. Why Machiavellian manipulation? Because my will is superordinate to yours and if lie to circumvent your I am justified in doing do. Why Sadism? Well, from a neurochemistry perspective I would posit that it's a sympathetic nervous system response (like yawning) in the absence of empathy. Right? So, whereas someone with a higher level of empathy would seen someone suffering they might generate like an internal model of that suffering, cry, and release endorphins (or whatever the corresponding chemical is) but IN THE ABSENCE OF EMPATHY... You just get the endorphin release. But BEYOND THAT... Your suffering is LESS REAL! It all stems from placing the primacy of your subjectivity above all others. The amalgamation of these traits is Jungs Shadow. And your religion, Jordan, is NOT you NOT doing that. It's an extentsion of that."