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When someone performs an incredibly stupid action that results in their death or their sterilization, it is said they have been "Darwin'd", as they have done humanity a favor by keeping their potentially genetic mental defects out of the gene pool. The name refers to Darwin's theory of evolution, in which a species survives and adapts by being the most fit (to pass their genes on), and anyone who has been "Darwin'd" clearly is not. Being "Darwin'd" is a prerequisite to winning a Darwin Award

John stood in front of a moving car after his friend dared him fifty dollars to. John was hit by the car, and is now in a persistent vegetative state. Due to his newfound inability to breed as a result of his poor judgement, it can be said that he has been "Darwin'd"

by Dr_dude December 12, 2018


The past tense of "darwin" in which a person:
a) shatters others beliefs of creationism
b) educates someone about evolution
c) smacks someone with a finch

Claudia: "I darwin'd that motherrfuckah"

by godofidea August 16, 2011

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Bitch Slappin someone with the evolutionary theory created by Charles Darwin.

Sara and Justin were discussing Evolution when. . .
Sara: All the pretty-smart people should destroy all ugly and stupid people to make way for smart and sexy people.

Justin: But I'm not pretty or smart!!!

Sara: You just got Darwin'd. . .

by Rostra Maximus August 30, 2010

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Verb. To be picked off by natural selection from one's own stupidity.

Speaking of the Area 51 raid, nothing would boost morale more than seeing some dumb shit get Darwin’d right in the face by the 50 cal. Darwin'd refers to the theory of natural selection by Charles Darwin.

by PhoenixAlexander September 20, 2019


verb: To be removed from the gene pool by methodologies described in Charles Darwin's "On The Origin of Species".

Some flowers grow to resemble the creature pollinating them. Well, the ones that resemble them are the ones that thrive. The others get Darwin'd.

by JWSmythe September 12, 2021