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Davy Jones Syndrome

Davy Jones Syndrome is best Described as the Other end of Love Blindness or Obsession, It is also the Terrible Aftermath of Large-Scale Goldigging or having a Camgirlfriend, For instance, If a Guy(We'll Call a "Davy") falls madly in Love with a Girl(We'll call a "Calypso"), and that Girl offers similar Affection, but at a price, Such as Money, Favours or Other Things, Sometimes the "Davy" offers the "Calypso" things and gives anything at the cost of their own Wellbeing and Health (Literally giving their Heart away, like Davy Jones),If the "Calypso" who is using the "Davy" gets what they want, they will then Leave or Ghost the "Davy" until they Lose interest, this doesn't usually happen, and the Poor soul who has been Used continues to try and talk to them or contact them, they then realise that and feel Betrayed and used, resulting to them feeling enraged and Angered, despising anyone who they associate with the "Calypso", this makes the "Davy" extremely hostile any new form of Love or Affection, because that "Calypso" was everything to them, If that "Calypso" reconciles with the "Davy" the Syndrome Ceases or is Nulled for a Perioid of Time, But it leaves the "Davy" at risk of doing everything they did before.

Lionel: "Did you hear that Emily Blocked Steve?"
Brian: "Yeah, He's not reacting well, he's acting as he'll Never Love Again"
Lionel: "Sounds like a Proper Case of Davy Jones Syndrome"

by Minitru January 5, 2019