A rhythm game created by Rayark Games. The story centers around 3 main characters - Alice, the true "main character" who wants to escape; Deemo, the mysterious black figure living in solitude; and Masked Girl, the unfriendly hidden identity lurking amongst the shadows...
Songs are mostly instrumental and vocal-based. The difficulty can range from "extremely easy" to "will hurt your phone and brain".
Player 1 - "Bro I just installed Deemo because I heard about it from playing cytus!"
Player 2 - "Alright, hop on to the feels train then"
Player 1 - "I just bought this DLC called 'Ice Collection'; I'm a newbie so hopefully the songs are easy!"
Player 2 - "You FOOL"
11๐ 1๐
A ten dollar dime bag of marijuana.
that nigga sells mad deemos son
41๐ 13๐
The most sexy nigga live with two big lips. He's Super Lip.
Person one: YOOOO look at Deemo with the Kasey gang.
Person Two: Ahhh he's inspirational.
8๐ 3๐
Deep Emo, Someone deep, doesn't understand his or her-self yet, Trying to figure out who he or she is.
DeEmo's Normaly have they're own style.. and NEVER go with what's "Popular" unless THEY like it.
DOES NOT CUT OR BURN SELF, and most DeEmo's do NOT think about suicide, and if/when does... never fallows through.
(Sounds Like Demo, With Long E)
1. "Noah Plz Don't be Emo... Be DeEmo, DeEmo's don't hurt themself"
2. "Kriston, Your Shoes Are SO DeEmo" (Using it in a personal Opinion)
3. Lacey: "Nobody Get's Me Kayla, I Don't Even Get Me..."
Kayla: "That's DeEmo, Your DeEmo"
8๐ 15๐
A girl with a bucket fanny and a flat ass, name usually starts with a C
damn look at Deemo mceemeth that's one nasty chick
demon and emo. thatโs it
omg look at that gacha kid they r so deemo!!!
someone who likes thinks not because they are in fashion...and doesn't cut himself/herself or even think of suicide....
I can't think right now an example for DeEmo...!!!