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Defusing The Bomb

Welp... That didn't work, did it? I would say that you tried your best but... You really didn't... At all. Like... Instead of actually figuring out how to disarm the bomb or taking my word on it... You cried and kissed your pants and then when you went to cut all of the wires at the same time I TOLD YOU "Nonono! Don't cut all wires!" YOUR RESPONSE was "ThE tHiNg YoU sAiD bUt AbOuT yOu!!!! MUH KIDS! MUH KEEEEEEEDS!!! AAAAH! AAAAH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" And then you cut all of the wires any (while drenched in your own piss and tears) and it went off. I mean, I guess you should have cut the grey wire... Er... Wait, no! Medium grey! You have to cut the MEDIUM GREY wire- Or... Hmmm... 🤔 Was it the light medium grey wire? I'm not color blind )by the way) I just only use grey wire but shit... Which fucking wire was the ground!? Oh! That's it! It was the dark-medium light grey wire! That! That one... Was PROBABLY it... Yeaaaah...

Hym "So, how is you responding to 'Whether or not they know it they are manufacturing a mental illness by (both) stalking and harassing me in a manner that mirrors the delusions of reference commonly associated with schizophrenia and it's going to result in misdiagnosis, suicide, and/or I'm going to murder your kids" with doing the mental illness manufacturing in public in front of millions of people deliberately and for revenge because you don't want to have to admit I was right and ameliorate or even address my grievance and then your kids seeing your do that TO ME and thinking that it's a fine thing for them to do and then THEY DO IT to one of their classmates (just as arbitrarily) who then murders them all... Is 'defusing the bomb,' Dr. K? Really. Jordan? Dr. Jordan Peterson? What do you think? Does that sound like 'defusing the bomb' to you? And now we all need to pretend you didn't just blow up a bunch of kids, attempt to manufacture a mental illness it public and then cry like a bitch when you got exposed, and that you didn't do it deliberately for revenge for me saying that I could commit heinous acts if I wanted to in literally any direction I choose in response to this and I wouldn't even have to justify it. All so that, I would learn a lesson about... What again? What was the lesson I'm supposed to be learning? 'Don't feel bad about your kids getting raped and murdered because parents feel entitled to my servitude?' Is that it? Because... I learned it! You did it!"

by Hym Iam February 20, 2025