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Den derre

a strange cartoon character with a gigantig frizzy hair, a pointy nose and a pair of stearing eyes.It always wear a turtlenecked green sweater.Was invented in Norway by Jenny and Oda. It usually hang out with his dearly beloved friends: truttepåopen, mosha, and pærekompotten.

den derre: shwima?
truttepåopen: ahomalama

by wizkey January 13, 2005

3👍 1👎

Den derre

a strange cartoon character with a gigantig frizzy hair, a pointy nose and a pair of stearing eyes.It always wear a turtlenecked green sweater.Was invented in Norway by Jenny and Oda. It usually hang out with his dearly beloved friends: truttepåopen, mosha, and pærekompotten.

well, was is there to say?

by oda January 11, 2005

2👍 1👎