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Denville is a town in northern New Jersey noted for its many lakes. People who live in the lake communities of denville are members of their own cult, and often inbreed. People who live in other parts of Denville are generally rich, stuck-up pieces of hell. Denville is located in "The Hub of Morris County", which happens to be the 3rd wealthiest county in the nation. The cops in Denville are convinced that they serve a purpose, but all they really do is write speeding tickets for motorists on franklin road, which desperately needs to be a 35 mph zone, and not 25. Who cares if the people on franklin get run over, i mean, it goes through Indian Lake; if a few cult members get taken out, it will be for the greater good.

Denville has a very quaint center of town, which is definitely one if its redeeming qualities. Don't get me wrong there are many worse places in morris county (i.e. mountian lakes).

Denville Resident #1: Thank god the demographics of denville are as follows: 98.3% caucasian, 1.7% asian, 0% black, 0% hispanic.

Denville Resident #2: Amen to that, brother. Those are good numbers indeed.

by g-man12345 November 11, 2007

148👍 52👎


A town in northern new jersey. 99% white, diversity lacks. Very wealthy town, most are upper middle class to upper class families. Majority of the families make $150,000+ Choice of cars are BMW’s, Lexus, and Mercedes Benz’s. Full of stuck up, entitled, soccer moms who think their kids are going to be the next Ronaldo and act as if they are invited to Messi’s house for every holiday. Denville also contains obnoxious football dads, who think their sons will be the next tom Brady, but in reality can’t even catch a ball. Kids are spoiled, rude, and cocky. Often noted for its high performing schools, and quaint center of town. Has like 99 lake communities. The most notable and popular lake communities being, Cedar and Indian. Out of the two, Cedar is the higher end one. Those of Cedar think they are superior to everyone and everything, whilst they really are just paying 600k to live in a shack on the lake. Indian Lake has gross ass water and the people are very cult like, and is the cheaper one. Basically nothing to do in this small town, boring af.

person 1: you must live in denville
person 2: how’d you know?
person 1: well you’re white, drive around in a bmw
person 2: oh well i mean your not wrong…

by April 9, 2022

6👍 1👎