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Die eier-legende Wollmilchsau

German, literally "the wool milk sow which can lay eggs". Figuratively used to descrive someone or something that possess all good qualities which you might ever wish to find in a person or object. Mostly used ironically to express the idea that nobody is perfect. No object either.

Paula:"Man kann ja nicht 'nen Mann finden, der gut aussieht, der klug ist, der 'nen guten Jobb hat und der gut Sex machen kann!"
Orchidea:"Ja nö? Das wär' mal die eier-legende Wollmilchsau!"

Paula:"It's impossible to find a beautiful man, who's also smart, has a good job and can make awesome sex!"
Orchidea:"IKR! That would be the wool milk sow which can lay eggs!"

by Sigurth Fafnirsbunny September 14, 2022