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Diet Sprite

Created in the 1970s, Diet Sprite was Coca-Cola's countermeasure against Pepsi's foothold on the gay community. Essentially, it's a caffeine free, sugar free, fat free, and taste free carbonated beverage. There is no drink more synthetic known to man.

"I'll have an extra-large meatlovers pizza, some breadsticks with extra garlic sauce, a large order of teriyaki chicken wings, and a small Diet Sprite."

by Prosauce December 16, 2005

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Diet sprite

A bland-looking white woman who is considered conventionally attractive.

Before he was a pedophile, Woody Allen dated a series of diet sprites.

That fashion show was full of diet sprites.

Jeff is dating a diet sprite because he enjoys power-signaling.

by Fever_dream April 12, 2018

Diet Sprite

Someone who is sparkly but lacks substance.

An attractive person with no depth.

Sarah was really into Billy until she realized that he was nothing more than a diet sprite.

by 1coolchick September 4, 2021