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Sexy, talented, beautiful, hot, strong, tall, overweight. He gets along with everyone with his magnificent body. He gets all the girls and is always down to hang with the boys. He is magnificent and your daddy. He is your superior, your boss and your dictator. He is really smart and intelligent, he makes Steven Hawkins look dumb. He is overall the perfect human being. He is the best and you should get along with him

Oh wow is that the beautiful kid Dimitrios

by 1828/$ August 26, 2020

333๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


Thats a cute guys name! he may have a baby face but hes still hot ! He isnt that tall but will grow over summer! he may show no interest in u but u still have a crush on him

ME: omg thats my crush dimitrios, what if he searches his own name and finds this!
Dimitrios: i secretly like u !

by Katechkalovessaambody June 14, 2018

49๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


my special little boy <3

I love dimitrios very much!

by bd February 22, 2005

109๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


The name refers a person whoโ€™s a cheerio boy, or a fellow with a very small, round, and tight "he-hole".

That guy is a dimitrio

by JohnDoer6969 April 11, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dimitrios Saragiotis

This is a name usually used to describe autistic greek boys. This name is very rare to find and if you know someone called Dimitrios Saragiotis you are very unlucky and I recommend you to run away from him as soon as you can.

Yo whats ur name? Dimitrios Saragiotis! OMG Fuck off you greek autist

by Niggee November 15, 2021

9๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dimitrios Kondylos

Your best friend,the one that everyone likes,the god of friendship and disowning.

"so who's your best friend?"

"Of course it's the same as yours,Dimitrios Kondylos"

by #DimitriosForLife March 29, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dimitrios... where to begin. He has a crippling twitter addiction ( specifically in twomad's replies) and is the epitome of short king. Hes on that bulk and hes never stopped dick riding lavencas. He loves binding of isaac and binding bitches with his killer triangle chokes.

my name is fucking dimitrios
shut the fuck up snail bitch

by KaironeBalone October 9, 2022