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Dirty Joseph

A midget MMA fighter with a vagina on his back that drips in stinky puss

Did you smell that guy? He smells like a dirty Joseph

by Boonshanka December 30, 2022

16👍 9👎

Dirty Joseph

when your Bro inserts his tongue into your asshole, he's giving you a Dirty Joseph.

My bro just gave me a Dirty Joseph last night. It was awesome.

by quackenwagen May 29, 2020

19👍 21👎

Dirty Joseph

The act of publically fucking an immobile and stationary object, such as a park bench or tree, with a flaccid penis.

I gave the Maple in the courtyard a proper Dirty Joseph last night, it was awesome.

by Ningnongnuffnuff October 3, 2021

4👍 3👎

dirty joseph

Dirty Joseph is when someone spunks into a jelly mold and mix it with jelly then force feeds it to there Nan while Screaming:
Take it Nana Take it

Friend 1: What did you do Last Night
Friend 2: Gave my Nan a Dirty Joseph

Friend 1: The Fuck

by Bull Horn test November 13, 2013

58👍 74👎

Dirty Joseph Watts

The act of sucking a hairy cock while also fingering the asshole of Joe Biden.

I Dirty Joseph watts that man!

by No man! February 11, 2024