Discord Spam Day: an annual Discord holiday taking place on January 6 when Discord Users can spam anything they want in #General or any other channel. They cannot post any form of racial slurs to spam on Discord Mod Day or any type of NSFW content. Any Discord Server with a Spam channel will use that spam channel as the temporary #General.
For Discord Spam Day, members of the Minecraft Discord server spammed memes and copypasta in the main chat.
Discord Spam Day: an annual Discord holiday taking place on January 6 when Discord Users can spam anything they want in #General or any other channel. They cannot post any form of racial slurs to spam on Discord Mod Day or any type of NSFW content.
Discord Spam Day: an annual Discord holiday taking place on January 6 when Discord Users can spam anything they want in #General or any other channel. They cannot post any form of racial slurs to spam on Discord Mod Day or any type of NSFW content.