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Dismissal from emotion fallacy

No, you jackass. That's not how it works. What you're doing is what every idiot on the planet does when there's some sort or disagreement. It's the most common modern fallacy. It's not an official fallacy. It's ORIGINAL. UNIQUE. Which is what I do here. ORIGINAL refutations of morden misconceptions.

Hym "Let's call it 'Dismissal from emotion falacy.' Here's how it's works: You use my emotional state or project a negative emotional state (Anger, Jealousy, Fear) on to me for the purposes of dismissing a proposition or statement. It's fallacious (obviously) because my emotional state has has no baring on the truth of my proposition. 2+2=4 regardless of whether or not I'm angery while I tell you that 2+2=4. My emotional state is irrelevant. And by accusing me of 'Jealousy' you're doing the EXACT SAME THING leftist do when they accuse conservatives of being transphobes or homophobes. Protecting 'Fear' on to them for the purpose of dismissing their propositions. There you have it. 'Dismissal from emotion fallacy' that's the thing you're doing. Look for it. You'll see it all the time. People do it all the time."

by Hym Iam April 27, 2023