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Dixon Ticonderoga Pencil

The greatest pencil to grace god's green Earth. No scantron or graph paper stands a chance if you use one of these bad boys.

A black version of the Ticonderoga is the rarest pencil known to man. It is the only pencil greater than the regulation color type. Removing one of these from the roof of a library is the equivalent of Arthur removing the sword in the stone. And, as you may already know, the Ticonderoga is mightier than the sword.

Jimmy Jam - Hey bros, do you have a writing utensil for this scantron test?

Johnny Ticonderoga - I got a Dixon Ticonderoga Pencil, but no, you can't borrow it.

Jimmy Jam - Oh, you dick!

by Stephan, The Humble Black Guy March 16, 2011

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