The official day for the annual DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) event held on the Warlords server. It is held on June 9th every year (starting in 2021).
It is not a campaign, it is only a commitment to one day. Invites are best sent individually (rather than as a group chat) to avoid masochistic assumptions towards the host.
Host: "Good Evening Beautiful People. I am sending this message out to you all to invite you to play dungeons and dragons on DnD Day."
Noob: "Yooooooooooooo, I would play but I'm not too framiliar with the rules. :("
Host: "You don't have to be framiliar with anything, that's the beauty of the game!"
Noob: "Ehhhhhhhhh I think I'll just watch while you guys play."
Host: "I'll buy you free V-Bucks."
Noob: "Where do I sign?"