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Do less

a phrase someone uses when a person is doing too damn much, trying too hard, being a little over sincere or enthusiastic. Something you would say to a person who is normally cool, but for whatever reason acting too much like a try-hard

*Guy being really accommodating to a girl he likes, paying attention to her, getting her drinks, holding her hand, etc.
*Group of guys looking on skeptically*

"Dude. Do less"

by basicbb June 22, 2014

55👍 5👎

Do less

The act of not doing enough, while hammered off your ass.

Jason casually walks to the front door of his good friend A.J to see what he is doing. A.J. answers the door in a manor signifying to Jason that he is completely hammered off his ass. Jason asks "A.J. what are you doing and where are your pants?" A.J. replies in a extremely drunken manor "makin me a chicken." Jason then replies with disappointment “do less."

by Leaver2Thousand December 7, 2008

16👍 26👎


akin to useless, meaning that a person is rather lazy. Could do better but doesn't. Given a responsibility, but rarely following through.

The boss just hired his nephew as the new supervisor, but he's completely do-less.

by Do Right April 14, 2004

9👍 13👎

Do Less

A phrase used directed towards a person who doesn't do hardly anything. It is directed towards lazy people who don't do much at all, but still need to do less. It is very appropriate to remind him/her that she needs to do less.

Matt: Hey, what's up Mark Jay, what are you up to right now.
Mark: Well, I'm just sitting in my desk chair, on the computer and watching Duke lose in every sport.
Matt: Do less.

by Duke Blows April 17, 2009

11👍 19👎

Doing More With Less

Corporate speak for, "We ain't hiring nobody, no way, no how." When multiple companies in a given industrial sector say they're doing this, prepare to ride the unemployment line for a long time.

I've been trying to find a job for 10 months. All the big companies around here are doing more with less.

by corporatespeaking September 5, 2010

6👍 3👎