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do the monkey

Having sex with muffy may

Yesterday i was so horny and muffy was so around do i do the monkey

by Solid Clash May 17, 2008

3👍 7👎

monkey see monkey do monkey pee monkey poo

a saying that's very motivational to monke :D

p1: "yo i need motivation"
p2: "remember, monkey see monkey do monkey pee monkey poo"

by josah April 13, 2023

1👍 1👎

monkey do, monkey say

IN BRIEF: When a person does something and anybody else having something to say about it, especially if it's based on judging that person.

WOMAN: There you go. Monkey see, monkey do.
MAN: No. Monkey do, monkey say.

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant September 19, 2010

8👍 3👎