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Domain Expansion

Domain expansion is an advanced barrier technique that manifests the user's Innate Domain.

Aidil Danish : Domain expansion infinite dick.He ntr ur mum infinitely and endlessly until ur mum either died of hunger of too much cum.

Musa : Domain expansion endless shave.First he shave all of your hair.then,your cloth.after that your skin.Then meat and finally bone until u reduced into atoms.

Haziq : Domain expansion white sanctuary.He turn everything white and clean included your heart make ur kind and good.Ur just reborn.

Fazroul : Domain expansion unlimited loli.He make ur have child fetish and lock u in jail.

Aidil b : Domain expansion Kamekaze.He will stop the time forever so u stuck in it forever with him.Kinda sweet right?

by Ninja gen November 17, 2021

12👍 29👎

Domain Expansion: Muryōkūsho

It mean “Unlimited Void” it is a technique used by Gojo Satoru, the honoured one and also the second strongest character in all of Jujutsu Kaisen till he was turned into an Among us

Unlimited void fills the target’s brain with unlimited information turning them into a vegetable until they recover or just die

Some loser: “I will win because my domain is stronger”

Gojo Satoru: “No bitch fuck you, Domain expansion: Muryōkūsho.”

That same loser: “What the fuck”

Gojo Satoru: “You are now experiencing everything everywhere all at once

by Nobodily October 29, 2023

18👍 4👎

Domain Expansion: Jihei Endonka

This means "Self-embodied perfection" and is the name of the technique the social constructionist use.

Mahito "Only I can see the shape of the souls of men... And warp them in my image... Domain Expansion: Jihei Endonka."

Hym "Who are you to lay your filthy monkey paws on the soul of the king of cursed spirits? I think your existence has been tolerated long enough. Domain Expansion: Fukuma Mizushi."

by Hym Iam July 25, 2022

8👍 4👎

Domain Expansion: Fukuma Mizushi

It means Malevolent Shrine.

Blue cranium: The world needs my ethic more than it needs to acknowledge your existence. Domain Expansion: Muryōkūsho."

Hym "You know... I didn't blame you or your ethic for what happened (not in any real sense) but I had completely given up. I was in a state of abject misery where I couldn't even trust my own mind. My own family. And you're concerned about plagiarism and teaching me a lesson? I'm going to tear it apart until neither of us exist. Domain Expansion: Fukuma Mizushi"

by Hym Iam July 25, 2022

5👍 7👎

Chocolate Domain Expansion

Chocolate Domain Expansion from the Ivory Coast the domain of chocolate expansion yeah Christopher Columbus with da chocolate domain expansion with da chocolate being expanded in da domain.

Student 1: chocolate domain expansion
Student 2: yes

by MrNeast12 November 27, 2023

chocolate domain expansion


Yeah chocolate domain expansion

by MrNeast12 November 29, 2023

Domain Expansion

The shit the ops say before they erase you from this reality.

Sukuna:Its over dirty monkey

KFC Criminal:Domain expansion:Oppositions of Chicken

Sukuna:-dies because of all the mexican stuff

KFC Criminal:I truly am the honored one

Officer of the law:Nah id win

by Catwithnoloaf February 23, 2024