When your significant other's face intentionally ,or untentionally, runs into your fist and or hand resulting in bodily harm.
Chris Brown's love and domestic blindness for Rhianna was so vast that it resulted in multiple hospital visits and a coulple of court hearings.
129👍 49👎
Trying to look for something, an item (anywhere, usually in the house) ..but you can't find it, so you ask your spouse for help. Upon asking your spouse for help, the spouse points to the item that you were looking for, which is usually standing right in front of your face.
After your spouse points to the item you were looking for, and it happens to end up being right in front of your face, you exclaim something like,
"Oh! I must've had a case of Domestic Blindness!!"
If you are well paired with your partner, your spouse will usually LMFAO, together with you.
4612👍 2682👎
a condition afflicting mostly married men that makes them unable to see common household objects even though they're right in front of them
if you were surveying the contents of the fridge ... looking for the mustard etc ... and you say to your partner ... where's the mustard and they say "right in fricken front of you" ... you still say you can't see it ... they come up and point it out to you ... and its label facing front - right at your eye level etc and you go ... oh yeah ... so it is ;-| ... that's grounds for a domestic blindness diagnosis!
119👍 150👎