The Dominion Cinema, collectively known as "The Dom", is possibly the most over-priced cinema in existence.
Located in Edinburgh (the capital of Scotland, which isn't Glasgow), the Dom boasts to have "The Most Luxurious Seats in Town", this may be true, however the price tag slapped on them might as well slap you in the face. £11 per ticket. In American terms, that's about $20. Nonsense. The seats may be comfortable (Lazy-boy recliners and leather sofas) but the layout of the screen appears to have been designed by a 4 year old with ADHD, on acid; rendering your visit redundant as you can barely see the screen and will have to pay to see the film again at a different cinema.
-Fancy going to the Dominion Cinema?
-Nah, The Dom is shit.
4👍 3👎