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Donner luck

the most absolute worst luck ever... EVER!!!

taken from the 1846 cross country trek to california by not only the Donners, but several other families, only most of the Donner's died, snowed in the sierra mountains, after mising making the mountain pass BY ONE DAY after months of traveling.

there were several families and even tho about half of the 80 + party died, the Donner's suffered the most... oh, and there were episodes of cannibalism.

Jake and Joe watch their friend Gerby fall off his bike and then roll down a steep hill into cactus.

Jake - Damn, Gerby could have at least stayed on the trail when he wrecked.

Joe - Yeah, but he has Donner luck, if he's gonna fall, he's gonna fall on the only broken glass or thorn bush within 50 miles.

by Harry Day February 2, 2010