A turd to large to be contained beneath the water level in a toilet. When both ends of the turd reach daylight, you've got yourself a DDT. See also Double Dry-Ender.
Clay dropped a double dry tip in Jeff's hotel room that caused the toilet to overflow. He had a big steak for dinner.
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Initial move to announce interest in persuing sexual intercourse. This move requires the use of “just the tip” of the penis to tease the oriface of interest.
My boyfriend “double-tipped” me last night... I had to tell him I was not up for it.
I don’t know if she’s into anal, don’t feel like having the conversation so I’ll try “double-tipping” tonight, while we are having sex.
Double fisting a girl and sticking you and your best friends penis in her ear.
A reference to skis versus snowboard.
I’m headed to the mountain today; gonna rock the double tips.