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alphabetical double-occupancy

double-cockupancy: Where a hot chick allows two studs to "service" both pairs of her "lips" --- i.e., "upstairs" and "downstairs" --- with their love-pipes at da same time.
double-dockupancy: Two extra-small boats' being tied up at da same pier-spot.

double-gawkupancy: An object or event dat two onlookers are fascinated by.
double-hawkupancy: Where two pet falcons are perching next to each other on da same protective glove worn by their owner.
double-jockupancy: Two cool sports-loving dudes who are either playing in close proximity in da field or just hanging out together on da bench.

More examples of "alphabetical double-occupancy" are:
double-mockupancy: Two disapproving individuals booing a performer or presentation.
double-nockupancy: What Robin Hood created by splitting his opposing contestant's arrow, allowing both archery-projectiles to be in da same spot.
double-pockupancy: Da firearm-based equivalent of da previous definition --- i.e., two expert marksmen nail da same spot wif their shots, and so da second contestant's bullet strikes da same divet as da first.
double-rockupancy: Da "old school" equivalent of da previous two definitions --- i.e., two sharp-and-steady-eyed slingshot-users plink da bull's eye wif their successive pebbles.
double-sockupancy: Where ya stuff both articles of a cute damsel's cloth footwear into one shoe for safekeeping while you give her lovely tootsies a deep soothing massage.
double-talkupancy: What a politician is good at --- i.e., "speaking outta both sides of his mouth --- so dat two entirely different statements reside in said flapping facial-orifice at almost da same moment.
double-walkupancy: Where someone behind you is totally "following in your footsteps".

by QuacksO February 9, 2024

Double alphabet

The belief made by retards that the alphabet exists in a double form and also does not contain the letter L.

A friend of mine believed there was a double alphabet. He was proved wrong on many occasions.

by Uncle Travy Scott December 13, 2020