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douche hag

Noun, calqued on the masculine douche bag.

The female equivalent of a douche bag. A woman with an overinflated sense of self worth, usually accompanied by a deficiency of intelligence. May also be compounded by excessive negligence towards or ill treatment of others. A douche hag does not typically realize there are others close by of equal or indeed superior intelligence and culture. She often lacks a sense of irony, particularly in the sense that her negative comments about others could be apt descriptors of herself.

Tommy: "Look at that girl dominating the conversation and trying to act cool. She has been talking for nearly 30 minutes, and seems incapable of inquiring what others think. She keeps talking about what she likes, what she thinks, acting as if she were the arbiter of taste or culture."

Bobby: "Ugh, does she think she is the first to discover NPR or continental philosophy? Who even thinks those things are cool?"

Tommy: "Yeah, she is a total douche hag."

by Cafone December 18, 2010

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douche hag

A catty straight woman who loves the company of gay men and has spent so much time around them that she’s begun to act like an attitude-ridden queen. With limp wrist and waggling head, she talks shit, starts shit, & won’t finish her shit, but at the end of the day still thinks she’s *FABULOUSSSS*

"Hey Vidal, where's your douche hag tonight?"

by Holly M S May 10, 2010

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Douche Hag

When you picture a douchebag the first image that pops into your mind is a guy who is a dick. A Douche Hag is a girl who is a straight up bitch.

What a fucking douche hag!

by itsthompzilla March 25, 2008

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douche bag hag

an overly trendy female who hangs around with, dates or otherwise fraternizes with douche bags.

man look at that car full of douche bags and their douche bag hags.

by Brett C. S. April 7, 2008

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