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Down a Mountain

Relative to being Down Bad
but much worse

i dropped all my weed, im down a mountain

by KPwastaken May 1, 2021

Down Hill Mountain Biking

The best sport Ever. Much better that other pussier types of MTBing. Chucking yourself off drops bigger than you can imagine.

Oh, did i mention, they get ALL the girls.

Whoah, look at that. Does he have a Down Hill Mountain Biking bike. He must be pretty gnarly.

by DH R!D3R! May 9, 2011

20👍 2👎

Robespierre coming down the mountain

When you realize someone you had respected has lost their mind you would refer to them as "Robespierre coming down the mountain" in reference to Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being festival in which he appeared at the top of a 'paper mache' mountain constructed in the center of Paris in a toga and decended to give a speech. Many saw this as proof that he thought he was more than human and had lost touch with reality.

"Oh, here's Robespierre coming down the mountain!"

by The Real Honeybear May 4, 2009

35👍 5👎

she'll be coming down the mountain

She'll be coming down the mountain when she comes, Yee-Haw!

Sorry, I'm in RuralDictionary mood

by Mister Ignorant April 1, 2004

18👍 8👎

skiing down cock mountain

Jerking off a series of men to climax in succession in the style of a downhill skier using ski-poles.

Rob : Have you had Terrance
John : Are you joking?! He's had everyone in here...he's been skiing down cock mountain
Rob : Well I never....

by Ian Bunton, call me "Bunny" September 17, 2014

2👍 1👎

she'll be coming down the mountain

When a woman orgasms/squirts while vaginally penetrated by a penis

Man 1: You know Becky?
Man 2: Yeah, the slut?
Man 1: Yeah, I'm heading to her place and she'll be coming down the mountain tonight!
Man 2: Dudeeee, make sure you wrap it up

by Wokkels November 21, 2018