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Down in a Hole

A phrase you shout out while having sex with your partner's gaping asshole. It seems as if your cock is disappearing into a dark well or cave while sexing.

I was listening to Alice in Chain's "Down in a Hole" while I was sinking my dick deep into her wide open asshole.

by Stay Gold Ponyboy September 8, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

down the word hole

An expression describing an irresistibly compelling addiction to creating and submitting words and phrases to Urban Dictionary.

Sometimes I am so deeply down the word hole so late into the night that I can barely keep my eyes open anymore.

by Dr Bunnygirl August 31, 2019

Down the Rabbit Hole

A reference to the journey of Alice, in Alice in Wonderland. To start as seemingly simply search (rabbit hole) and finding the unexpected a chaotic world. To start a research project, only to find, the subject was not what it appeared to be. The research exposing: unexpected twist and turns, deceptions, lies, thefts, treasures hidden from the rightful owners, crimes, goodness, truth, digging deeper in hidden passages and finding more.

A painting of the rabbit from, Alice in Wonderland, on the wall of the lunchroom in area51.

Looking into a wife's finances and finding, not only was she making her sisters car payments,but insurance payments also. What a Down the Rabbit Hole that was.

by as009988 May 11, 2019

26๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Down the rabbit hole

To get extremely and obsessively involved in something to the exclusion of normal friends and family.

"I haven't seen Josh since he started playing that Ingress"
"Yep, down the rabbit hole."

by Perringaiden May 12, 2017

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

down the rabbit hole

tripping on acid, shrooms, or any other psychidelic drug

the term came from alice in wonderland when alice falls down the rabbit hole

featured in the movie Across the Universe

Jude: "Where are we going?" Lucy: "Down the rabbit hole.."

by hookahsmokingcaterpillar October 18, 2009

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Down the rabbit hole

Uninhibited behavior

I chose not to go down the rabbit hole by refusing to discuss the girl I liked.

by Ereck Flowers April 15, 2015

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Down the rabbit hole

On the search for truth, one may fall down the rabbit hole

Symptoms may include, believing the earth is flat, being anti globalist, rooting for the removal of the federal reserve, laughing at NASA cult members

-Omar went and slipped down the rabbit hole
-How so?
-He won't stop talking about how Trump is taking down the deep state cabal and that a hollyweird is full of pedophilic devil worshipping sellouts

by The Annointed Bringer of Light February 27, 2019

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