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Down the Rabbit Hole

A reference to the journey of Alice, in Alice in Wonderland. To start as seemingly simply search (rabbit hole) and finding the unexpected a chaotic world. To start a research project, only to find, the subject was not what it appeared to be. The research exposing: unexpected twist and turns, deceptions, lies, thefts, treasures hidden from the rightful owners, crimes, goodness, truth, digging deeper in hidden passages and finding more.

A painting of the rabbit from, Alice in Wonderland, on the wall of the lunchroom in area51.

Looking into a wife's finances and finding, not only was she making her sisters car payments,but insurance payments also. What a Down the Rabbit Hole that was.

by as009988 May 11, 2019

26πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Down the rabbit hole

To get extremely and obsessively involved in something to the exclusion of normal friends and family.

"I haven't seen Josh since he started playing that Ingress"
"Yep, down the rabbit hole."

by Perringaiden May 12, 2017

23πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

down the rabbit hole

tripping on acid, shrooms, or any other psychidelic drug

the term came from alice in wonderland when alice falls down the rabbit hole

featured in the movie Across the Universe

Jude: "Where are we going?" Lucy: "Down the rabbit hole.."

by hookahsmokingcaterpillar October 18, 2009

66πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Down the rabbit hole

Uninhibited behavior

I chose not to go down the rabbit hole by refusing to discuss the girl I liked.

by Ereck Flowers April 15, 2015

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Down the rabbit hole

On the search for truth, one may fall down the rabbit hole

Symptoms may include, believing the earth is flat, being anti globalist, rooting for the removal of the federal reserve, laughing at NASA cult members

-Omar went and slipped down the rabbit hole
-How so?
-He won't stop talking about how Trump is taking down the deep state cabal and that a hollyweird is full of pedophilic devil worshipping sellouts

by The Annointed Bringer of Light February 27, 2019

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Down The Rabbit Hole

1) What someone says when they get unintentionally sidetracked from an intended goal or routine, due to being absorbed by matters that arouse interest, seem unusual and/or puzzling. This is different from being distracted, as while distraction is simply a means to an end, going down a rabbit hole implies there is more than what meets the eye. Sometimes, the rabbit hole may end up opening new journeys, which in turn opens even more journeys and so on. The rabbit hole can regard trivial as well as serious matters. This term has been used for very long (circa AiW), however, it has gained more notable usage in recent times due to digital media, perhaps a bit too much usage. It is also the plot for many action thriller movies.

2) Another term for taking psychedelic drugs, especially when used as a euphemism.

1) John accidentally bumped into a guy and a business card fell out. He picked it up andβ€”when boredom stuck himβ€”typed in the URL on the card. It brought him to a website that offered a lucid dreaming service, something he was never aware of. Soon enough, he went down the rabbit hole and found more similar services. But that didn't end there, he found out that the technology could be altered to connect users to a dream. It still didn't end though, as John finally came into realization that he was dealing with the black market.

2) Guy 1: Hey, what's Greg doing today?
Guy 2: I heard he's going down the rabbit hole
Guy 1: Oh, well let's better go tripsit him.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian March 15, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

down the rabbit hole

often said when relating to hallucinogenic drugs such a LSD. the quote is from the book and movie alice in wonderland when she enters "wonderland".

me and my friends just went down the rabbit hole with a batch of acid

by LordsOfAcid June 21, 2012

12πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž