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Dr. Who

God of netflix

Dr. Who?

by World known duck February 25, 2015

35πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Dr. Who

The title and the name of the main character of a classic British TV show. First aired in 1963 till it’s cancellation in 1989. Became a made for TV movie in 1996. And in 2005 a new series aired.

See Doctor Who

"What are you watching?"

"The new Dr. Who"

by Stefani Bigaran August 23, 2005

177πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Dr. Who

The incorrect way to write or refer to the British television show Doctor Who. The abbreviated "Dr." implies that The Doctor has a phD, which he does not.

Hey, did you watch Dr. Who last Saturday?

Nope, but I watched Doctor Who!

by zoehugsyou June 29, 2011

101πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Dr. Who

when you have sex with a girl and then have no contact with them for at least 3 years, then upon seeing them again you have sex with them.

Last night I pulled a Dr. Who on Jamie.

by david lee roth December 6, 2014

12πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Dr who

Great programme shown on BBC- currently there have been 9 doctors of Time, and there is going to be a 10th. Doctor of Time, who travels in his TARDIS with his assistant saving the world

TARDIS- Time And Relative Dimension In Space

Dr Who! Hey! Dr Who! Dr Who! Hey! The Tardis!

by Mr. 1980s April 25, 2005

330πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

Dr Who

A annual TV show on BBC 1 where the main character is a time traveller with a box that can travel in space and time who can regenerate. The current Doctor is widely regarded as the 12th, but actually including the meta-crisis and the War Doctor, he is actually the 14th.

"And now on BBC 1, it's the madman with a box, Dr Who."

by old handle August 21, 2015

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž