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Drawing parallels

HA! Hahaha! Theeeere it is! THAT'S WHY ALL THE PARALLELS! THE JEW THING!? AHAHAHAHAHA! Drawing a parallel between the guys who said "We are chosen by God to rule over the Holy land" and the guys who said "We are chosen by God to rule over the Motherland" is anti-semitic!

Hym "Ooooook! Ok, that makes sense. That's why they're drawing parallels. Ok, if The Jews (The ZIONIST ones... They want me to say ZIONIST so it's (oops I was trying to type LIKE and I accidentally typed KIKE because the letters are right next to eachother) LIKE 'Not all Mexicans' sort of situation) AREN'T like the Nazi... Why do they keep committing Genocide? Armenian Genocide... Palestinian Genocide... That's TWICE AS MANY GENOCIDES! The Nazi only did ONE! You're right guys! There IS no parallel between the Jews and the Nazi! The zionist Jews do MORE genocides! Twice as many, literally! And both times they were like 'It's not a Genocide though! It's not a real Genocide though!' That's their whole M.O.! They do the Genocide and then they're like 'Nuh-Uh! I didn't do that thing I just did!' Ok. My bad on that one. You're right. There is no parallel between the Nazi and the Jews."

by Hym Iam April 30, 2024