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the one man who loves morganja more than anyone ever could the bonnie and clyde of the stoner community and there love is eternal

droseph loves morganja

by droseph May 30, 2008

4👍 1👎


Smokin buddies, your bros

"Aye droseph, pass tha jay"
Droseph1: dude, lets get some herb afta school
Droseph2: Definitely.

by Edgee August 28, 2008

1👍 1👎

Droseph Stalin

A very covert piece of slang terminology, which means marijuana (particularly of the hydroponic variety).

You: Hey man can I pick up some Droseph Stalin after school today?

Your guy/girl: hell yea come on over after class and pick up that hydroponic dictator.

by Los ganjales April 5, 2011

7👍 3👎