A Dubich is a drunk gardener bragging about fictitious richs, he is always late on the job and doesn’t mow the lawns or rake the leaves. He leaves drunk and broken beer bottles riddled around your lawn.
Shasko and Andre are total Dubichs! They didn’t mow the lawns but instead bragged about their riches of g wagons and trailer parks and left broken beer bottles all over my lawn! What a bunch of Dubichs!
A fat lazy alcoholic con who brags about how rich he is and masturbates to granny's.
Alex dubich is just alex dubich.
The Dubich last name they have long wide opioid waste coming out of their anus.
Alex dubich takes a big dubich shit the plumber never seen such a thing in his life
Just saying dubich life about the Dubich people dubich life is not real life it's all fictional and their lies
Alex dubich all lies come out of his mouth dubich life is not real life man