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Dumb Kid

An insult used when someone makes a decision you don't agree with.

Patricks a Dumb Kid

by Professor Read May 14, 2018

Dumb Kid

An insult used when someone, typically older than the user has done something that the user wouldn't have done themselves.

You're a dumb kid

by The Dumbest Kid May 22, 2018

7👍 1👎

dumb sporty kid

Kids that have not outgrown the stage of being into playing many sports, and do not get good grades.

My gym teacher hates me because i am not a dumb sporty kid!

by coca November 1, 2003

4👍 7👎

dumb ass chinese kid

stupid ass who uses bible pages for smokin weed

thats straight up dumb ass chinese kid style

by briana March 13, 2005

38👍 67👎