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dumb high

blazing so much weed that you forget simple things (i.e. name, address, phone number, etc).

"yeseterday i blazed two blunts after work on the way home and by the time i made it to my street i forgot which house i lived in. i was dumb high!"

by F.A.I.M. July 28, 2006

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dumb high

extremely under the influence of drugs, particularly marijuana, cannibus, herb, weed, sticky-icky, etc..

Man I went over to Keith's house after work, and got fuckin' dumb high my nigga!!

by Steven Evans July 19, 2006

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dumb high ass

one who does stupid shit only because they're high.

friend one: i bought a dime bag with a $20 and the dealer gave me $11 change. i watched him count his bills 5 times before he did this.
friend two: his dumb high ass....

by caspertheghost May 26, 2009

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Dumb High IQ

When you claim to have an IQ so unreasonably high that you prove to everyone you’re dumb.

β€œDid you hear Deji claimed he has a 189 IQ?”
β€œWow that’s a dumb high IQ.”

by Tux Taco May 6, 2021

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Stupid dumb high

When one is way too high off a drug

Man this gas got me Stupid dumb high.

by Rahrah harsey August 30, 2016