Source Code

dyt dyt

comes from the sound they make by honkin when they drive by on their washingcart

Man: "Hey you missed a spot right here!"
Washercart/cleaner: "Dyt dyt"

Man those dyt dyt sure know how to cook!
Ramen or dyt dyt noodles? Tom dyt dyt please, red paste.
This forest is dense af, its like we in dyt dyt rainforest or something.
Damn this kitchen is so dirty, glad Im not the one to dyt dyt it.

Do the dyt dyt or youre not going to that party tonight missy!
If you dont finish your studies youll end up as a dyt dyt the rest of your life is that what you want?

by toxictiny March 27, 2022

32👍 1👎

dyt dyt

comes from the sound they make by honkin when they drive by on their washingcart

Man: "Hey you missed a spot right here!"
Washercart/cleaner: "Dyt dyt"

Man those dyt dyt sure know how to cook!
Ramen or dyt dyt noodles? Tom dyt dyt please, red paste.
This forest is dense af, its like we in dyt dyt rainforest or something.
Damn this kitchen is so dirty, glad Im not the one to dyt dyt it.

Do the dyt dyt or youre not going to that party tonight missy!
If you dont finish your studies youll end up as a dyt dyt the rest of your life is that what you want?

by toxictiny March 27, 2022