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Epical is what you say when something is epic and radical at the same time.

Jonas: Dude, I found a free phone on the side of the road
Jimmy: Whoa, that's so epical!

by Bendew February 9, 2019

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Epical is the state of epic beyond belief

Yo, you see that T-shirt yeah that’s epical

by Spedwagon July 30, 2019


When an event is so epic, that is seams magical.

When I showed up at Bingo, I was already stoked. But winning my ten dollar bar tab was epical!

by rocknmom November 11, 2009

31πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


EpΒ·icΒ·al Eh-pic-all
1. From the word epic or epically. Meaning astounding or amazing; An expression of awe and wonder, when the term epic is just not enough.
2. A word used to describe great heroics and adventures, usually in literature.
3. When something is so epic is seems magical
see also: epic, epically, awesome, astounding

"That explosion was epical!"
"That was so epical!"
"The sparkling waves crashing against the rocks was just epical."

by Dark Prophecy May 5, 2015

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When something extremely epic happens

Girl falls in the oddest way possible without getting hurt
Guy: "That was epical"

by Kwat July 25, 2010

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When something is so epic, it can hardly be put into words.

Person one: Hey, did you see that show last night?


by TheAwesomeMe November 17, 2011

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Epically, Epical

When something is an Epic Spectacle, something on another level. An epic rise of fame.

When you think something is so epic, it can't be called simply epic.

Me: Hey Laura did you see how bad that girls hair was?

Laura: Yeah it was was on a new level of bad, it was Epical.

by Epically May 15, 2011

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