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A member of the Swarthmore male ultimate frisbee team. Possesses much love of the game, reasonable quanities of alcohol, and an uncanny competitive edge. Sometimes misses practice because he is writing a five-page paper that was due last week but his professor is really quite serious about it being due in twenty minutes.

Oh shit. We have to play the Earthworms next. At least they're good sports about winning.

by Nice Mark February 17, 2005

64๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


To finger the anus then putting your tongue inside the hole.

Did you hear that Casey got earthwormed yesterday?

by true_master_/\/1qqqq July 7, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a human female experiences an orgasm too intense she forcefully expels firm fecal matter from her anus and the fecal matter enters the vaginal canal.

Hey pal, I made Anna come so hard she earthwormed.

by RSMILEY88 April 8, 2022


The deliberate act of speaking lyrics, humming a tune or singing a song with the specific goal of embedding the song in someone elses conscience. Typically this is done with a over played pop-tune or other catchy, yet annoying song.

To earthworm; or earthworming are both correct useages.

Jim was known to earthworm his coworkers with childrens songs on a regular basis.

by drkilljoy October 16, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somebody so irrelevant with pop culture, current events, and well known subjects in general, it's as if they have been living under a rock

Normal Person: "Wow, I will always consider the Beatles the greatest band of all time"
Earthworm: "who are the beatles? you mean like a cockroach?"
Normal:"Dude, you're so irrelevant, stop being such an earthworm"
Earthworm: "wow rude"

by txh October 10, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Earthworms are worms that consist of 1000 species.
They are hermaphrodites, which mean they are both male and female. They're pretty shiny too.

2. That kid.

1. Look at that earth worm go!

2. Look at that earth worm go! (nah jk)

The REAL 2. Pretzel is a earthworm because she has a male like personality and doesn't give a fuck.

by PretzelMe July 18, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


While during anal intercourse a girl defecates on the boys penis. "Earthworming" because......u know......

"Yee me and whatsername were going at it and all of a sudden she was earthworming on me! Like WTF!!!??"

by Coche Hijo January 21, 2012