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Easter Egg Hunt

The male equivalent of playing hard to get by abstaining from sex even though the female REALLY wants to play with his β€œEaster Eggs”.

Bro 1:

I’m gonna let Tanya crack em tonight. She has been on this Easter egg hunt for months. Tonight is the night. She gets to crack my Easter eggs open.

Bro 2: She ain’t want them nasty lil quail eggs.

by Mega Hemroids August 13, 2019

Easter egg hunt

When a woman poops a little druing sex and flings it off the bed before you notice it. leaving a small egg shaped piece of poo for you to find later.

{dana} I pooped a little during sex last night.
{bobby} she sent me on an easter egg hunt, and i found it in the corner

by Little dirty October 22, 2009

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Canadian Easter egg hunt

Commonly referred to as "puck hunting season", The Canadian Easter egg hunt occurs around the same time as "Easter", the catholic holiday, when the little Canadian kids come out of their igloos to search for pucks they lost during winter, that are now being revealed by the melting snow.

Mountie 1: Man i had the best Canadian Easter egg hunt of my life this year!
Mountie 2: Hey man, me too! I found so many of the pucks i lost this winter!
Mountie 3: Getting my moose rider's license really sped up the hunt, eh?

by ThatCanadianGuy April 17, 2014