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The nick-name of a whiny white man that lives in Gig Harbor WA, who likes to make racist jokes and hates black people. Often seen playing Quake2 gloom and has a habit of whining to everyone and kissing admin's ass. He has about 2 dozen people who want to kick his ass because he makes snyde comments and name-calling constantly.

One day on irc, everyone got sick and tired of this "whiny little brother" type of guy and made the choice to permenantly ban his ass..

by Echon October 12, 2004

54👍 25👎


Fine ass mawfucka that plays gloom

Echon rox

by Reprazent April 28, 2004

9👍 53👎


Tubby trailortrash living off foodstamps.
Also the creator of the guide to How To Make Quake2 Run Like DoomIII

"Semt-X, can you lend me some money? I am hungry."

by Anonymous April 29, 2004

39👍 22👎


One who laughs at retards or others of low intelligence on IRC or other online chat programs. Uses self-made abbreviations of various words in excessive tendencies, usually out of boredom.

<Echon> So I wanted to lynch that greasy nigger.
<SomeGuy> *ahem*
<SomeGuy> What the hell
<Echon> Who dis?
<SomeGuy> Probably someone of a different race.
<SomeGuy> Hello?
*** Echon sets mode +b SomeGuy
<Echon> Bye loser
*** SomeGuy was kicked by Echon

by Stasis January 18, 2005

30👍 20👎


the guy that DarkwingDuck refurs to as ASS HAT!

Echon is now known as Ass Hat!

by MidnightFox January 18, 2005

12👍 11👎


Echon....full name (Echon emo) is a loving girl, loves to explore very cute and loves to makes friend . she gets annoyed easily and is good in vocals

What's her name

Her name is( Echon-emo)

by _rain.boww July 25, 2020


Echon-emo a wonderful being. She is brave and has a beautiful voice. She needs help at times. (Echon-emo) is a gift , but you wouldn't want to mess with her

Wow who's singing beautifully
Its Echon-emo

by _rain.boww July 25, 2020