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A Romanian who thinks speaking Romanian is funny! (it's not!) Wild Edirobl also known as the leader of CKE or whatever you may want to call it, A terrible faction that houses the top of the line dogshit kids! CKE changes names faster than a transgender can even change their own gender! And the wild and crazy Edirobl Tried to make its on BCP and it couldn't even last two whole months! crazy right? did you know that he met up with his boyfriend! so sweet and so lovely! He thinks doxxing is ok but will never show its face to anyone. Maybe because its just looks that damn ugly in real life? who knows! His life is mostly based around is the game LSBll Fatherless behavior am I right? not only that but it can't even use his own words without the help of others! ape strong but apes stronger together! anyone who houses the name robl most likely has type 2 diabetes and stage 4 cancer! Not only do robl's worship Edi but they also try to suck him off every chance they get crazy right?

What a silly Edirobl (Edirobl is not a person!)

by LSB man 2 January 24, 2022

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