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(of a person) affected, overrefinded, and ineffectual: no longer capable of effective action...

1) effete trendies from art school

2) the authority of an effete aristocracy began to plummet

3) the fabric of society is effete

by RevPettibone March 17, 2010

27👍 3👎

Masa & Effet

Two overly underrated artists from Turku, Finland

The new Masa & Effet song is such a banger!
Its a shame how underrated they are...

by shrek_anonymous123 January 15, 2022

9👍 1👎

some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised debutante

a cuckold who got cheated on by a woman who had a baby with a gay senator and who cheated on the aforementioned cuckold with a beet farm owner

"i will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised debutante"

by crovelium January 1, 2022

5👍 3👎