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Sexy ass mofo, capable of workin a bitch till she passes out.

That guy is so ehssan, i want him to pound me through the ground.

by desiree September 13, 2004

47👍 20👎


Ehssan is the greatest person you’ll ever meet. He is thoughtful and caring and has amazing dark hair. He seems shy at first but in reality he’s a very extroverted person. He can be a bit annoying when he’s mad but he doesn’t get mad very often. He is funny and can always put a smile on your face and everyone loves him, including your pets.

Person 1: who is that?
Person 2: that’s Ehssan! He’s just the best.

by ladylaufeyson November 23, 2021


Ehssan is a pretty girl who is an extrovert that enjoys going out and has the best sense of humor ever , she gets pissed fast yet she is the sweetest friend to have

I need me and ehssan in my life

by sadcoutuonsbs November 24, 2021


Pan fried gouch. Traditionally served with a lemon wedge and sprig of mint as garnishes.

Ehssan is our special tonight.

by Ailies Victim June 3, 2014