Quiet, calm and reasoned. Always dreamy but memorizes keenly every detail you may never notice at all. Loyal to extreme.
Frighteningly intelligent was eirene's gift. mysterious enough to make her extremely dangerous. Getting on her bad is suicide.
Eirene will never show her anger but inside, it is burning hell to devour. Looking innocent and smiling peacefully, her expressive blue eyes spoke volumes of her shameless schemes.
Ex: erm...hi eirene
Eirene: hello bert, you seem gloomy.
Ex: oh! Just i seem to have worse luck these days!
Eirene: i'm sure you'll do fine. (She turns as ex missed the grin) it is "supposed" to be our perfect day.
Ex: umm...eirene i have to say no...
Eirene: nonsense! Victoria won't surely mind...she is preoccupied...
Ex: how did you know victoria,
Eirene still grinning: why should i not? I work with her. You can imagine my delight when i find a common interest. Sweet lovely victoria.
Ex was gone in a blur
Great athletic tennis player who is strong and funny. you would be lucky if she is your friend. She's loyal, nice and trustful you could always tell her your secrets. She is a gun at tennis and will be a pro if she isn't already she has greek heritage.
Eirene is such a good friend
and the best tennis player
A beautiful Greek goddess. She is nice to everyone and very friendly. She isn't boring or a drag. She is pretty much, well, the SHIT.
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