Despite the video not being in Spanish, this porno is titled "El Grinch", and involves a much matured Cindy Lou Who getting banged on a couch on Christmas eve by non other than the three sizes too small, never showering asshole: the Grinch. What's more sickening about this is the fact that the acting is god awful, the dude doesn't even sound like the Grinch, and it's easy to tell that it's just some lucky douche bag with an 8 incher, given that his entire penis and several spots of skin aren't even painted green... I don't know what's worse: the actor who plays the Grinch breaking character to groan like a donkey, or the fact that he says the line, "Show them your butthole, AHHH!" to Cindy Lou. Truly fucking sick... Watch at your own discretion.
"I was bored so I went on Pornhub and searched up 'Grinch' last night, and dude, who fucks the Grinch?"
"There's this video called 'El Grinch'. He was all like, 'Show them your butthole, AHHH!'"