Emma is strong and a leader and that’s why people try so hard to tear her down. People will never stop talking trash about her or bullying her or telling other people lies about her. But she always forgives and forgets and gives people chances they don’t deserve and ends up getting hurt. People will try to tether her relationships with others. If your a real friend, or if you ever did care about her, or still do, you won’t buy into what others say. You should trust her. She always puts others first when she shouldnt, and she abuses herself if she thinks she hurt someone. People just hate that shes still ok. If you get into a fight she’ll act angry when she’s not. It’s just a wall she puts up because she’s hurting and she doesn’t want you to know she’s hurting. She’s weak but she’ll never let you see it or open up to you about her problems unless she really trusts you, even if she shouldnt. She keeps trusting people, letting them in, and getting hurt, so don’t hurt her please. Or else your just like the rest of them trying to tear down an innocent girl.
Julie: Emma’s mean and I’m gonna tell the whole school she’s cutting herself
Luke: seems right I mean, Emma Carter, seriously?
Kate: stop. You guys are cruel.