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When you ask someone if you were "employed" last night, it typically refers to receiving either a "handjob" or "blowjob" or some other type of "job" you could obtain over night.

Man: "Yo Dude! Did you get employed last night?!?"
Dude: "Yeah Man, got an amazing blowjob last night!"

by TheGiant November 18, 2014

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


To work at a job somewhere to get a paycheck.

I am employed at the local shipping dock.

by Thomas Slatin February 22, 2004

62๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


working for oneself

I work for mself I'm self-employed

by Marlooo June 20, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


1: An overwhelming amount of work not capable of being performed by one person
2: A position in a company normally occupied by a small army of people, now being performed by 1 or 2 people.

3. Working at a NYC Startup

"After an 80 hour work week, its safe to say he is over-employed"

by WW_BK July 21, 2015

Employed Hobo

Employed Hobo: A new social class that originated in the United States of America. With an all but mythological middle class vanishing, a new class has been formed. Employed Hobos are in a quasi class of being employed yet "homeless" for all intents and purposes. Never truely owning anything besides their clothes, everything is rented because of low wages and price inflation. Their only true possesions, clothes, tend to be hand me downs, clothes they have had for at least a decade and still in use or aquired from thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets.

Look at John, an Employed Hobo. He's still wearing shirts he bought from Mervyn's ten years ago. He rents everything, his TV, car, apartment and even the toaster. He will never make enough to get out of the cycle of working to work.

by Dogler February 20, 2014

employed thot

A bitch on Facebook who has three jobs but spends most of her free time sleeping around. Be wary because all she really has to offer is ramen noodles and good cat.

My best friend had a baby with that employed thot and now he pays bookoo child support and has hypertension.

by RestroomPoetry August 26, 2015


To have pit stains

John didn't want to lift up his arms because he knew he was self-employed.

by cheesemcdeese October 28, 2011

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