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Encyclopedia britannica

Wikipedia, but fancy, unbiased and accurate. It's the world's oldest encyclopedia, written and reviewed by credible people.

Encyclopedia Britannica is a digitally published encyclopedia. Originally being published in paper form until recently.

by January 3, 2023

2👍 1👎

Encyclopedia Britannica

Once was the best and most popular English-language general encyclopedia, but now basically only serves as a comparison to Wikipedia in arguments over the latter's reliability or quality. Also called Encyclopædia Britannica because it's ye old I guess.

Person 1: "I don't know why everyone uses Wikipedia nowadays, because anyone can edit it. I remember back when everyone used Encyclopedia Britannica and we could actually trust our information." Person 2: "But Wikipedia has much greater depth, and is it actually that much more unreliable, like have their been any studies on this?" Person 1: "Idk".

by interestedinannoying123 May 12, 2024