Source Code

English or Spanish

Ask someone English or Spanish?
and then ask Whoever moves first is gay

“Do you speak English or Spanish?”
Whoever moves first is gay”

by then-mirror June 11, 2024

144👍 21👎

English or spanish

A meme that came from a Tiktok video.
The reason they ask english or spanish is to catch their attention, making them say what language they speak in.
Then, they catch them offguard.

Tyrone: Hey, Jose!
Jose: Yes?
Tyrone: Do you speak English or Spanish? I forgot.
Jose: Spanish.
Tyrone: El que se mueva, es gay.
Jose: ...

by Mr Morale September 16, 2024

english or spanish

If u move ur gay lol

Yo english or Spanish

They say
Then reply
"Who ever moves first is gay"

by DawnOfEclipse June 9, 2024

20👍 9👎

english or spanish

Whoever moves is gay

Dude1: english or Spanish?

Dude2: english

Dude1: whoever moves first is gay

Dude2: gives the zestiest look known to man

by EnglishOrSpanish? June 10, 2024

24👍 8👎

English or Spanish?

English or Spanish? Is a meme on YouTube.

"English or Spanish?"

"baby you got something in your nose....."

by Idontlikejamin June 14, 2024

29👍 14👎

english or spanish

The meme started by a guy posting tiktoks usually in a mall. He starts the tiktok by going up to a random stranger and says “english or spanish” if the stranger says english, the guy will say “whoever moves first is gay” and if the stranger says spanish, the guy will say the same thing but in spanish.

Person 1: english or spanish
Person 2: uhm
Person 2: english?..
Person 1: whoever moves first is gay.

by imhim0384 July 6, 2024

28👍 4👎

English or Spanish

What you say to make somebody freeze mid second.

Friend 1:’English or Spanish?’
Friend 2:’English”
Friend 1:’move if your gay

by Pen farmer June 19, 2024

5👍 1👎