A sub on Reddit which showcases the most extreme fat-left tankie takes from around the internet
Did you see the Twitter screenshot on enough commie spam of a person saying Stalin never committed crimes against humanity?
75👍 11👎
A subreddit that believes that mass murder and tyranny are bad.
Enough commie spam sure is angry about Katyn and Holodomor.
67👍 11👎
A subreddit of people who are tired of seeing communist ideology inserted into unrelated conversations or on non-political websites/message boards.
A: "I'm looking for a place to move into, should I buy or rent?"
B: "You know under communism you wouldn't have to be oppressed like this"
A: "Dude enough commie spam"
78👍 14👎
A subreddit which promotes it's anti-communist thought by using strawmen arguments, logical fallacies, and other misleading arguments which inevitably accomplish nothing.
enough commie spam provides me with all the good arguments against commies I'll need - stuff like 'socialism killed 100 gorillion people' and 'hah all communists are just kids therefore their opinions are invalid'
33👍 288👎
A place on reddit where people argue using the belief system that all solutions are invalid. Therefore their arguments are always valid - while accomplishing nothing and presenting no actual alternatives to communism.
This meme has a theory behind it. I'm going to go mock it on Enough Commie Spam without providing a better alternative to a stateless and classless society. Better dead than read!
If I don't choose a solid position I can easily win any argument on Enough Commie Spam.
25👍 335👎