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Equilasor; not a football word. I repeat, not a football word. It is the opposite of hogging. Equilasors think that hoggers are quite bad people. Why, you may ask? Because we take things for ourselves. We hog it basically. Equilasors think that it should be equal, hence their name , and we should share. They all look up to the rhyme, ‘sharing is caring.’ That rhyme is actually their comeback to nearly everything a hogger says. Don’t be an equilasor.

Person 1: hey, I heard Jason is a hogger

Person 2: cool
Jason: I’m an equilasor

Person 1: don’t be like Jason
Person 3: why
Person 2: equilasors are people who don’t let you have anything for yourself.

Don’t be like Jason.

by Cat girl gf November 9, 2021