A word often used in the Midwest, more specifically in Wisconsin. Some joke that a lot of people born in Wisconsin ended up with that as a name. It's used at the end of a yes or no question.
Do you wanna go to the movies...er no?
Want to get a drink from the bubbler, er no?
Do you need to stop at the Tyme machine, er no?
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Interjection. A mix of the words 'error' and 'uh oh' Coined by Sarah Peterson of Seven Lakes High School. Pronounced ur-ur
Computer: Self destruct in 5 minutes.
Student: Er-Er...
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A commonly used filler word, to make up for the gaps in conversation. Tends to annoy the shit out of people for its overuse, and indicates that the user doesn't have the slightest clue what they're talking about.
Reporter: "You claimed that when you receive backlash, you should, quote, 'dab on them haters'. What do you propose should be done if the haters dab back?"
Jake Paul: "Er...well...er...that's an overused meme...er...WHAT ARE THOSE?!" *Flees the scene with his gang of fuckboys*
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A covert reference to sexual activity, particularly in response to a non-sexual statement. Literally, the squeaking of a bed during sexual intercourse.
Gloria: Lisa, would you like help trimming that bush?
Kevin: Er-er.
Gloria: Huh?
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"Er" is used by all southside Dublin youths, who have stolen its regular use from St.Michael's College students who coined it in around 1983. Brought forward through the generations by the ever present Dr. David Wilson. It is an insult enhancer, to give it a bit more pop. It can also be used as an insult in itself. The most common definition for it is "gay" as the teacher who used it was a batty boy and said "Hell-er/Goodbye-er"...you had to be there really
"Er you fat loser"
"Er John Fucking Reid"
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ER stands for Eye Roll
Usually meant for when someone does something so stupid that u can't physically eye roll (because you are focused on their stupidity) so u have to say it outloud.
Person 1: *says something stupid*
Person 2: OMG ER you are so dumb
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a space-filling meaningless word, synonym for um
a response that what someone else said was dubious in some way.
er, I don't know.
er, yeaaaaah, if you say so...
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